We've been told that what we're doing, taking a massive time off to go
see the world, is referred to as "OE" in New Zealand. "OE"
stands for Overseas Expedition, but also alludes to relieving oneself of
his or her narrow view of the world. New Zealanders feel it's necessary,
as they traditionally have viewed their country as isolated. Americans don't
normally feel that way, but in many ways the American psyche is as isolated
as any -- most Americans never leave the country at all, and so many of
us wait until we're very old to do so. After all, to explore North America
thoroughly could easily take most of one's lifetime, so why travel abroad?
And we do have that "center of the universe" attitude, since America
is the source of so much that is good (and bad!) in the world culture.
However, to understand one's culture one needs some perspective on it
all. View the beast from the outside, so to speak. So, at the turn of the
century we've decided to see as much as we can in a few years. This web
page will act as sort of a public pictoral diary of what we've seen and
done. We'll try to keep it light, but it will depict what we encounter. |

The Middle East
Southern Africa
Topics of Interest
Where's Kathy?

Namibia Zambia